Sunday, January 19, 2020

Apache Corporate Governance Board of Directors

The division includes unmatched specialty services such as Thermal Spray Coatings, Lead Abatements and Tank Linings. Ensuring the highest quality at the best possible value, we serve industries from petrochemical to pharmaceutical and everything in between. With the largest paint workshop in the country, Apache has the best facilities, tools and craftsmen to deliver the high-quality coatings our customers expect. Within this program, Apache provides asbestos abatements as well as corrosion under insulation assessments and mitigation solutions to meet each customer’s specific need. The insulation division at Apache is highly skilled and capable of installing all types of insulation and can provide cost-savings opportunities with the use of Apache’s state-of-the-art shop facility.

apache corporation home page

Board elections are held annually; currently, each board seat is for one year, so all nine directorships are voted on annually. ASF Members are eligible to nominate people for board seats and to vote in the board election. Director candidates run individually, and Member votes are currently cast by Single Transferable Vote . All nominations, position statements, and voting are conducted electronically either over private mailing lists or using our own software for casting votes. Individual votes are kept anonymous, although the full STV calculations are published privately amongst the Membership. PMCs are expected to provide accurate and thorough reports to the board of their community health and technical and software release activities.


In exchange for the payment noted above and other consideration outlined in the Settlement Agreement, the Settlement Class shall release any and all Released Claims the Releasing Parties have or may have against the Released Parties. If you belong to the Settlement Class and the Settlement is approved, your legal rights will be affected. Read the Notice carefully to see what your rights and options are in connection with the Settlement. In 2021, Apache Corporation moved to a holding company structure under APA Corporation, the public company trading on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

apache corporation home page

Since 1954, our team has been unified by our values, our commitment to building shareholder value, and our culture, which empowers every employee to make decisions and achieve the company’s goals. Our global team is brought together by a sense of ownership and the knowledge that the best answers win. We strive to deliver shareholder returns while helping to fulfill global energy needs and developing innovative, more sustainable ways to operate. We aim to be a community partner in our areas of operation, focused on protecting the safety and health of our employees, communities and the environment. Many Directors also serve in the public community as spokespeople for the Apache Way granting interviews about the ASF or our projects, or reviewing other open source or charitable foundation works.

A full Apache attack helicopter battalion trains over Bavaria [Image 4 of 6]

Projects that do not report or have serious issues in their report will be contacted by that month's shepherd or another director to find a resolution. In extreme cases, where a PMC is dysfunctional or is not following required Apache policies, the board may unilaterally make changes to the PMC or may dissolve a project to correct the issue. Article V. of the ASF bylaws specifies a Board of nine Directors, elected annually by the ASF Membership. The Apache Board is much like the board of directors of any other corporation, responsible for -- management of the corporate assets and allocation of corporate resources to projects. The board exercises oversight of Apache Projects by reviewing project reports at the monthly board meeting, and by monitoring changes to PMC membership. When PMCs have voted in and nominated a new committer to serve on the PMC, they notify the board of the addition.

apache corporation home page

The Board of Directors sets overall policy for the Apache Software Foundation and delegates execution and specific policy areas to individual officers and Project Management Committees. Apache's insulation division meets the highest standards of quality and sets the bar in the industry. Utilizing both pin-lock and cup-lock type scaffolding systems, we design, install and dismantle scaffolding for any type of application.


Apache Corporation is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of APA and continues to hold assets in the U.S., subsidiaries in Egypt and the U.K., and economic interests in Altus Midstream Company and Altus Midstream LP.

All code donations from external organisations and existing external projects seeking to join the Apache community enter through the Incubator. Directors are expected to serve as individuals on the board, representing the Membership and acting in the best interests of the ASF as a whole. Directors are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest they may have due to their current employment, and recuse themselves when necessary from votes or potentially discussions on subjects they have a conflict with. For the first several years after incorporation the board was quite stable, with a majority continuing to serve repeatedly. As the ASF grew in membership around 2004, the board began to change somewhat, with a few new faces appearing each year.

The Industrial Services Leader

As part of the APA’s efforts to reduce emissions across our global operations, technical teams have identified projects... As part of APA’s efforts to reduce emissions across our global operations, technical teams have identified projects and opportunities... Our VISION is to be the premier exploration and production company, contributing to global progress by helping meet the world’s energy needs. While the bylaws allow for any person to be nominated for the board, the amount of trust and expected experience with the Apache Way for directors is such that nominees outside of the existing Membership are unlikely for the time being. Apache has a robust refractory services division with an experienced leadership team and front line managers that have worked together for more than 20 years. The Apache Incubator is the primary entry path into The Apache Software Foundation for projects and their communities wishing to become part of the Foundation’s efforts.

apache corporation home page

The normal monthly board agenda includes 10+ corporate officer reports, 60+ PMC reports, and often a handful of official resolutions. To ease the review process, reports are due well before the meeting begins, and many directors "preapprove" reports by initialing them in the agenda file before the meeting. Each PMC report is assigned a director to serve as "shepherd" for the month; the shepherd takes any questions raised before or during the meeting to the relevant officer or PMC for an answer or resolution.

All ASF Members and invited guests are welcome at board meetings, except during very rare executive sessions of the board. The board does set broad policies -- for example, requiring that projects use source control systems that run on ASF hardware controlled by ASF Infrastructure. Technical direction, in terms of how to implement infrastructure or what code projects should work on, is all delegated to the PMCs or relevant officers. From time to time Directors participate in the communities of various Apache projects when a board-level issue or question is raised; however they do so wearing their individual Director hat. Many Directors are separately committers or PMC members on a variety of Apache projects, where they do technical and community work just like any other committer, wearing a committer hat.

The appointement is official once the canonical PMC membership roster is updated to reflect the change. The pride that our customers experience every day is a reflection of the importance we place on our people, whose actions serve as the backbone of our operations. No other company in this industry recruits, trains and immerses their employees to become expert craftsmen like Apache Industrial Services.

Since our founding, our success has been through the talent, confidence and determination of our team. We hire the best people in the exploration and production business, we encourage them to innovate and question conventional boundaries, and we retain them through challenging and rewarding work. We believe energy underpins global progress, and we want to be a part of the conversation and solution as society works to meet growing global demand for reliable and affordable energy. Apache offers a complete package for tank maintenance, including cleaning, blasting, coatings & linings, and insulation. Apache Industrial Services offers the most complete and effective set of industrial services available for today’s market.

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PMCs that report late or where serious questions are raised during the meeting may be asked to provide an additional report at the next monthly meeting. The board is responsible for appointing any officers of the ASF, including executive officers -- President, Secretary, Treasurer -- and other officers, both those with corporate functions , and Vice Presidents of individual Apache projects. The board also sets overall policy for Apache projects, or in many cases, delegates the details of policy setting and implementation to specific corporate officers. The board uses official resolutions to appoint or change officer positions, create new Top Level Projects or retire unused projects, and in certain cases to make fundamental policy decisions.

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Jim Jagielski, one of the founders of the ASF, has remained on the board since its beginning. Whether you have an unplanned maintenance event or a scheduled out-of-service tank, Apache deploys the latest technologies and is your go-to contractor for all your tank maintenance needs including cleaning, blasting, coatings & linings, and insulation. With greater strength, better quality, and unmatched performance, our innovative technology is the next step in your concrete production process. Through active engagement at all levels in the company, we capture the needs of each employee and verify that they understand how critical their role is in the collaborative success of our business. A list of the persons or entities excluded from the Classes can be found in the Notice of Proposed Settlement, which is available for download from the Important Documents page.

apache corporation home page

The selection of a new Board Chair and other executive officers typically takes place a couple of months after the board election, to give the new board a chance to get to know one another. Apache provides a single point of contact for refractory projects in the areas of system design support, cause of failure investigation, preplanning, project execution and QA/QC. Additionally, our fleet of equipment is the newest and highest rated in the industry, such as our Allentown Gunnite rigs which are regarded as the best in the industry. Each project is carefully planned by our subject matter experts, project managers, and our quality assurance and safety teams to ensure that all work is conducted in accordance with customer specifications and API standards. Community¶ Guidance and mentoring for those interested in participating in Apache projects and their communities. Intentionally intimate, offering unparalleled educational, networking, and collaboration opportunities.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Portable Home Picosecond Tattoo Removal Pen F or Mole Acne Spot Dark Scar B0W0

This natural ingredient does wonders to your skin; not only does it soothe swollen skin but it also helps in regenerating damaged tissues boosting the healing process. To see best results, use fresh gel like substance directly from the aloe vera leaf than using over the counter products containing aloe vera. The LYMA Laser then encourages the regeneration of this scar tissue so that it more closely resembles the surrounding skin. Subcision is an invasive surgical treatment used to treat rolling scars. The procedure involves removing the top few layers of skin from the scar tissue underneath. Blood will then rush to the area, eventually clotting and forcing the scar upwards so that it can be treated with additional laser and/or dermabrasion.

Acne scars usually occur at the end of the skin inflammation or acne. The scars are caused by skin pores inflamed with excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. The infected acne destroys the solid skin tissue and this becomes a scar on the skin. First, let's evaluate some of the most common acne scarring treatments on the market, and then we will take a look at the three types of acne scarring that you might experience. There are many options available for treating acne scars, but, as we will see in this article, most are either invasive or severely damaging to the skin around the scar. Treatments for acne scarring can also be incredibly expensive.

Is Laser Treatment Good For Acne Scar Removal

If the condition is advanced, you might need to consult with your dermatologist to find out what sort of treatment he or she recommends. You might not find much success for pitted acne scars using the normal treatments above. It may take you several weeks before you see any results from pitted acne scar treatments. However, with a little work you can usually reduce these types of scars successfully. There are also vitamins and minerals within the cucumber that promote healing of acne scars and cukes are some of the best home remedies for acne scars.

acne scar removal at home

Techniques such as microdermabrasion and microneedling may be effective at treating mild scarring. For more severe cases of atrophic scarring, ice pick scars can be treated with punch grafting and punch incision, whereas boxcar scars can be temporarily treated with dermal fillers. Diligent use of at-home treatments can reduce scarring over time for some people, but professional peels can provide more immediate and dramatic results. While both treatments use the same types of chemicals, licensed clinicians use peels with much higher concentrations than can be sold over the counter . Chemical peels can be effective in treating certain types of acne scars. One study has also indicated that it can be used to treat scars.

What to try at home to resurface happy skin

Fibroblasts are cells that play a crucial role in wound healing and collagen production. The fatty substance in curd plays a role as a great lotion and helps to tighten your skin as well as reduces the acne scars. People with delicate skin can additionally apply this choice because it is milder to their skin. Because lemon has extraordinary supporting and purifying properties, and the acidic property in nature can help to reduce and then eliminate acne scars. Honey has a natural antiseptic property that can eliminate acne scars. Besides, it additionally works as a mitigating operator that helps to renew your skin.

acne scar removal at home

They are formed by strands of connective tissue that connect the dermis to the subcutaneous tissue. (V-shaped scars) have a diameter of less than two millimeters and reach deep and steep-walled in a funnel shape into the lower dermis or even into the subcutaneous tissue. The resulting micro-injuries have a stimulating effect on the skin’s metabolism. It is also believed to promote the formation of new blood vessels and new collagen, making scar contours appear finer. In a chemical peel, the practitioner applies a special substance to the skin that causes the skin to peel off in layers.

What are the most popular acne scarring treatments?

Making a homemade sugar scrub is the natural way to exfoliate and revitalize your skin, promoting the healing of acne scars. Dermarolling, aka microneedling, is the art of erasing unwanted acne scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks. But you have to keep the area covered with a bandage until it’s completely healed. This treatment is also not a good option for anyone who’s still getting breakouts, and it’s not as effective on darker skin tones. Some chemical peels are mild enough to be used at home, but a healthcare professional can provide a stronger solution with more dramatic results. If at-home treatments don’t seem to be making a difference, a skin care specialist or healthcare professional can help with your treatments.

You can repeat mild and medium peels to maintain results. Potential side effects include changes in skin color, especially with deep peels used on dark skin. This procedure is usually reserved for more severe scarring. Your doctor removes the top layer of skin with a rapidly rotating brush or other device. Surface scars may be completely removed, and deeper acne scars may appear less noticeable.

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Eggs contain a great amount of protein and will help tighten the pores to avert new breakouts while it lightens the scarred skin. This is a great home remedy as olive oil is something many have at home! Olive oil is packed with natural antioxidants and promotes healthy benefits. It’s not only great for cooking but is amazing when lightening acne scars. Rubbing tomato slices on scars is also found to be effective in reducing the appearance of the marks or scars.

acne scar removal at home

They generally resolve within eight months of treatment and are less common in the winter months . Lactic acid is good for all skin types and for fading dark spots. While time can heal these marks, there are several expert-approved methods to address speed time on your schedule. Light chemical peels cost from $100–$300, depending on where you live. Reducing atrophic scarring may require multiple peels over a series of months or years. Depending on the severity of scarring, they may not be possible to fully eliminate, but improvements can be made.

Coconut oil is great for cooking, your teeth, and even your skin. And its moisturizing and healing properties come in handy when it comes to acne scars too. You can buy aloe vera gel at the store, but fresh aloe is always best when treating acne scars. If you’ve ever tried, you know that acne scars aren’t easy to remove. These home remedies don’t just help with existing acne, they’re also great for acne scar removal. There are countless peels, serums, and ointments with lactic acid, but you can also use diluted apple cider vinegar as a toner or spot treatment thanks to its natural lactic acid.

When administered professionally, TCA is considered a medium peel requiring up to two weeks of downtime. While SA can treat mild scarring, it isn’t very effective for deep atrophic scars. Hypertrophic acne scars also include bridge scars and keloids. During an ice treatment, the doctor freezes the scar tissue with liquid nitrogen at minus 180 degrees Celsius. Studies have found it to be able to speed up as well as improve wound healing.

Firstly, you take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, honey and almond oil. It involves a series of treatments with shorter recovery times. Collagen injections may be recommended if your body has lost its natural collagen. Of course, like any medical treatment — major or minor — there are potential negative effects. Picking the right type of chemical peel may not be an easy task, especially when a solution can go wrong and be too harsh.

acne scar removal at home

Do this treatment several times a day for effective results. This is a daily use face pack that helps treat and prevent acne. Lemon juice must only be used on alternate days and as for the rest of the 3 ingredients, you can go ahead and make a daily face mask. The LYMA laser is a powerful and effective way to fight both acne itself and the scarring it causes. If you dont believe us, take a look here to see the results for yourself. It also works as an exfoliator to scrub off dead skin cells and leaves your skin brighter, smooth and youthful.

How To Remove Acne Scars At Home

In severe cases, scars may be much bigger and raised to become keloids. Keloids are more severe forms of these scars as they can potentially grow larger than the original wound. The ancient texts of Ayurveda stress the importance of Abhyanga therapy for healing scars and skin discolouration. Regular massage improves blood circulation, removes damaged skin and boosts cell renewal. Abhyanga also balances your doshas and removes harmful ama toxins that hinder wound healing leading to scars.

A dermatologist will determine the most effective treatment protocol. Hypertrophic Scars- Unlike atrophic scars, hypertropbic scars develop as a result of an overproduction of collagen. Pimple marks and acne marks can stain your beauty and hurt your confidence every time you see yourself in the mirror.

How we reviewed this article:

Scar development has a lot to do with the extent and duration of skin inflammation, so delaying acne treatment raises the risk of scarring, according to the AAD. The reasons vary, but genetics is one risk factor for scarring. If a blood relative struggles with acne scarring, you might, too, according to the American Academy of Dermatology . Also, scarring tends to happen more as the skin loses collagen with age. Hypertrophic scarsoccur when the skin has suffered from a recent injury, and there is an excess of tissue or collagen generation. This causes the skin to form small protruding lumps of the excess tissues.

acne scar removal at home

Light and at-home peels, which are cheaper, are less effective for raised or pitted scars than medium and deep peels. As a rule of thumb, chemical peels might not be the best for severe raised or depressed scars. To treat ice pick and boxcar scars, TCA can be administered in what is known as the CROSS technique. The procedure involves spot-treating individual depressions in the skin to reconstruct scar tissue. These treatment methods are carried out by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.

Pictures of acne scars

To reduce the chance of scarring, seek treatment for your acne early. Boxcar scarsIn such types of scars, the depressions are round and deep, like craters on the skin. They are mostly found around the lower cheeks and jaw regions.

Cucumber also contains many vitamins A, B1, C that help your skin to lessen the acne scars. Some people use skin grafting or fillers to fill in these acne scar holes. Generally, fillers are temporary and will have to be done again and again while skin grafting is much more permanent and works well on ice pick acne scars. Lasers can be used to remove the furthermost layer of skin. For the most part, this will remove the ice pick acne scars by making them less pitted and shallower.

What are the most popular acne scarring treatments?

It is recommended that the dose of Vitamin A is 700 to 900 micrograms a day. Takinghigh vitamin A doses may have toxic side-effects such as depression and birth defects. There is a large amount of vitamin A in tuna, salmon, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, yellow or orange fruits and carrots.

acne scar removal at home

You’ll need specific treatments determined by you and your doctor. While chemical peels sound like a promising answer to acne scars, they may not be the best answer for the type of scars you have. Research has shown that superficial or light peels may help manage acne, while medium and deep peels may help more in treating moderate acne scars. Managing your acne is key to preventing deep acne scarring. Chemical peels can be used as part of your skin care routine to reduce breakouts and the risk of subsequent scarring.

Good news for sensitive skin sufferers, this ones for you. It helps calm down redness and inflammation, which also makes it super useful when it comes to getting rid of any blemishes. Glycolic acid is the most popular when it comes to AHAs. Its the most potent when it comes to exfoliating, which means its incredibly efficient but can be too strong for sensitive skin types.

Learn more about the link and the treatments for both conditions here. Acne scarring — pathogenesis, evaluation, and treatment options. A 2019 study found that when people combined microneedling with the use of collagen gel, the results were significantly more effective than microneedling alone.

There are ways to get rid of them with a little luck and some hard work. When it comes to almost any food out there you want to go natural and not processed if you can. This miraculous substance, made by the quickly dwindling honeybee, is perfect for acne scars and a host of other conditions. This is probably the most well-known and effective acne scar treatment out there. Aloe Vera is a plant that not only gives the skin the materials that it needs to heal, it also promoted fading of the scars from acne. It is also very gentle on the skin and will moisturize your face or other areas where acne defects are present.

Pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices help make scars less noticeable without damaging the outer layer of skin. Results are subtle, and you might need repeat treatments. Acne scars can be an unwanted reminder of acne and may reduce self-esteem in some people. A dermatologist can help decide on a suitable option, depending on the person’s skin type and the extent and type of scarring. A dermatologist can recommend a suitable procedure or combination of therapies depending on a person’s skin type and the extent of the scarring. Then you put some drops of olive oil onto your hands and gently rub it to your acne scars.

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It also helps you to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and harmful free radicals. It is more effective, faster to produce collagen and repair cell when you are sleeping. You must get enough sleep for your body to heal itself to eliminate scars. You can dispose of the acne scars by repeating this method regularly. Apple cider vinegar has a property of disposing of the old and dead cells that are in the pores of your skin. It also has antiseptic property that works against the scars.

acne scar removal at home

Friday, January 17, 2020

29+ Unique 17th Birthday Gift Ideas To Impress Any Teenagers

Featuring retro patterns with a big butterfly in the center, two-sided print colorfast dyed fabric of your image yields unrivaled durability and color vibrancy. It is suggested to use a damp cloth when light cleaning is needed. She should have a machine or hand wash cover in cold water for stronger cleaning. Just send the shop his or her picture along with their name and that’s all! Like the image, the center is for the image and name inserted in a rainbow image. Made of environmentally-friendly fiber wood, the sign is nontoxic, odor-free.

Our extensive gift list features a wide range of options and pricing. So take your time and enjoy searching for, selecting, and purchasing the ideal gift. Your loved ones will be thrilled to receive this romantic love knot necklace as a gift. The knot is attached by a gold chain, but it’s the personalization that makes it special! These are classic ways to express your everlasting love and devotion to your special someone. Choose from different styles of love knot necklaces and personalize them with the name of your love, date, and/or the symbol of your commitment to them.

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Therefore, a 17th birthday should be celebrated with lots of joy and laughter. One of the most meaningful things you can do for a child, friend, daughter, son, etc., who will turn 17 this year, is to send a memorable gift. However, teens don't always tell their parents exactly what they want, so finding the perfect gift can be difficult. Instead of packing socks or simple things, find something that will make your teen excited and scream.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

The ring light can be powered from any USB power source. I would appreciate it if you could send this as a 17th birthday gift to your loved ones. As soon as you plug it in, it will automatically set the correct year, month, date, day of day, and time after the power is turned off.

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Above is our list of what we consider the best17th birthday gift ideas. Choose something that reflects her youth and vitality. She will be drawn to things that are hip, exciting, and interesting during her adolescent years. Furthermore, your gift can be unique, amusing, profound, and personalized. It should ideally match her taste and personality in order for her to treasure it for a long time.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

This is an instant download and you can use it immediately after purchase! Just follow the link to download the file and print immediately on your home printer or local print shop. This is a digital download only, no physical product shipped! This makes a great personalized gift for your loved one on their 17th birthday.

Tips and Tricks on How Best to Choose a Gift for 17 Years

When receiving, she will be pleasant to use it often. Representing an unbreakable bond between two souls, this piece features a beautiful 14k white gold pendant embellished with premium CZ stones. The gift of laughter is the best gift for any guy, and our amusing gift for males will ensure that. This Custom Face And Pattern Blanket is the latest and greatest outrageous and amusing gift idea.

Your loved ones will never forget your thoughtful gesture! This custom-month love knot necklace is sure to bring back happy memories and will surely be treasured. Show your love for your mom, sister, girlfriend, wife, friend, or any other woman in your life by gifting her this beautiful and amazing necklace!

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Each sign is printed on high-quality vinyl, making it a durable and classic gift that's guaranteed to be loved for years to come. For a truly personalized birthday present, this unique 17th birthday gift idea is sure to be loved by the lucky recipient. Our crystal necklace is made of cubic zirconia and has a white gold chain with a pendant to wear on your neck. Add some sparkle to your wardrobe with these beautiful cubic zirconia crystal necklaces. The bright white stones are set into durable sterling silver and would make a great Christmas or Birthday gift!

Make this a reality for your 17-year-old daughter by giving her this single-edge hammered personalized charm necklace. Shipping policies vary, but many of our sellers offer free shipping when you purchase from them. Typically, orders of $35 USD or more qualify for free standard shipping from participating Etsy sellers. An amazing handcrafted music box is a great way to play along with your 17th birthday quotes! When the organ is installed on different surfaces, the tone of the melody changes.

Your image will be printed to order in the UK facility on a high-quality 250gsm card. For a sharper, longer-lasting, UV and fade-resistant finish, the seller utilizes genuine Canon inks. The ideal glitzy accessory to mark an amazing young woman’s 17th birthday. A thoughtful present for a teen, whether it’s for a sister,daughter, grandchild, or niece. Girls/boys at the age of 17 will be attracted to wonderful things, novelty or new items in life. For a creative, meaningful and personal gift, choose a gift according to her taste and personality.

Individually gorgeous and stackable bracelets that are very stylish. The pendant rests securely on a silver-plated bracelet. Surprise your loved one with this gorgeous gift on her 17th birthday! This lovable diamond necklace is the best anniversary gift that your girl will be so happy and touched when receiving.

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It’s also a terrific method for her to show off her lighter side to others. Finding the perfect present for an adolescent might be tough because they don’t often tell their parents exactly what they want. Find something that will get your teen excited and yell instead of socks or plain items. The above listings are based only on either Seller's listing information or Etsy marketplace data. Under “Add your personalization,” the text box will tell you what the seller needs to know. An unusual shape, without tangling strands, with a special ceramic coating, when heated, emitting microparticles of argan oil.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

You can create your own collection of adorable and funny keychains for yourself. Especially, your home will look more beautiful when you have an interesting keychain in the key hook. Cleared payment cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Teenage girls enjoy wearing makeup to express their personal style. It’s their chance to try out different makeup styles.

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With a secure fit, with additional protection against moisture and falls. An ideal gift for a girl for whom music and sports are inseparable. It’s essential to give her something really special on one of the most special days of the year.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

With these simple, stylish, and enjoyable17th birthday ideas, you may help her celebrate a special birthday. She’ll be reminded of your endless affection for her when she wears this lovely necklace with 17 beads, one for each memorable year. An excellent watch is a great gift idea for a 17-year-old.

17th Birthday Gift for Girls

The lovely sterling silver heart pendant measures 6mm across the front of the heart and is designed with soft rounded edges. The silver heart charm is attached to the central silver jump ring attached to the center of the delicate curved chain bracelet. This lovely bracelet measures 6.5 inches and can be extended up to 7.5 inches with an adjustable lobster clasp on the back. The Girls Happy 17th Birthday Charm Bracelet is a great 17th birthday gift. Each bracelet is crafted from the highest quality components, making it strong and durable, yet elegant and flowing. Perfect for collectibles and the most fashionable jewelery accessory of the year!

This keychain is 100% handmade and is a great expression of your love and care. It would make the perfect souvenir to mark important milestones for your loved ones. This pendant is so sparkling, especially when it is on her necklace!

Update your settings

The ring light can be powered from any USB power source. I would appreciate it if you could send this as a 17th birthday gift to your loved ones. As soon as you plug it in, it will automatically set the correct year, month, date, day of day, and time after the power is turned off.

Do you know why this custom name metal sign will be an amazing gift regardless of age? The reason is that it can be personalized according to the gift receiver, and the style is modern and suitable for everyone. One suggestion is to take the starting letter in the name of the receiver as the main theme of this sign and let his/her name be displayed accordingly. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.

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Simply gift this stainless steel tumbler to your 17-year-old youngster to offer him or her a pleasant surprise. At 17, most teenagers are unable to put their phones down. This crossbody phone purse is theideal birthday present for a 17-year-old girl. As they grow older and take on greater responsibilities, this book gives practical guidance for teenage girls who will be approaching maturity in the near future. A comfy way to say “Happy Birthday” to anyone is in a colorful, retro-designed bean bag chair. It’s ideal for gaming, watching movies, and so much more.

Memory foam filling gives this chair greater stability and comfort than a regular bean bag chair. RSVP Cupcake toppers from Party Decor look great on cupcakes, canapés, and more! After your event, they can be used as momentum pieces in photo collages,picture frames, or shadow boxes. The glitter is just on the front of the toppers; the reverse is matte white.

Sterling Silver Quote Bracelet

But we make it simple by supplying ideas as well as ideas for gifts to provide to girls. The perfect 17th birthday gift, this rose gold ring will make your head and shoulders stand out more than anything else! This wonderful little token/key chain will be the most adorable gift your loved one will receive.

The bracelet is crafted from a waxed cotton cord that is 1mm thick. It is available in a variety of colors and includes a gorgeous Tibetan Silver Charm. The card is 320gsm and measures 6″x6″ square with a clean white matte finish . It comes with a matching color envelope and is packed in a clear cellophane wallet for protection before being sent in a durable board-backed envelope. This is a practicalgift for the 17-year-old young girlwho enjoys bringing joy to those around her.

Gold Old English Name Ring , Custom Gothic Name Ring, Personalized Ring, Birthday Gifts, Gift for Mom, Bestfriends Gift, XW109

Hand-made by skilled artisans from sterling silver, the necklace features a lovely, shaped pendant. Each piece of jewelry is accompanied by an inspirational poem and a handwritten certificate of authenticity from our team. It is a perfect 17th birthday gift for your wife, mom, daughter, or special woman in your life. Make someone's day extra special with this truly personalized love knot necklace. Personalized with their name or message in a gorgeous love knot, it's the perfect 17th birthday gift for the love in your life.

It is the perfect gift idea for any occasion, especially Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, and any special day. It comes with a personalized tag with her name on it, and the choice of black or gold thread. We can also add any message that you want to convey to your loved one. For anyone with a passion for music, this customizable vinyl record wall art will be their favorite present. Personalize with a photo from their smartphone or use the included free image and choose from the full set of images to choose from.

Custom Photo Necklace

It can be washed in the dishwasher or handwashed using warm water and dishwashing liquid. This mug would make a great gift for your loved one on their 17th birthday. This one-of-a-kind skinny tumbler is a great 17th birthday gift to give your boy or girl on their birthday. This gift is both practical and meaningful that they can use everyday, holding up their favorite beverages in this tumbler. Made from high quality white gold over stainless steel material, this necklace will not cause any irritation to her neck skin. It is embellished with dainty clear crystals surrounded by a sparkling 7mm round cut cubic zirconia.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

A canvas poster with a star map serves as that personalized gift. It includes a customized pendant that you may modify with the recipient’s name to make this a truly unique gift. It has a high-quality chain that makes it long-lasting.

It's the perfect present for your special one’s 17th birthday. Make his or her special day even more memorable by getting the gift that will become the most treasured heirloom in the years to come. Give this personalized name wooden key holder hanger to the boy or girl who deserves something special.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

Finding the ideal present can be challenging because teenagers don't usually express their desires to their parents. Find a gift that will make your teen squeal with delight rather than just putting a pair of socks or anything simple under the tree. You've come to the correct place if you're struggling to locate the perfect gift for 17-year-old girls since this piece of jewelry will put your worries to rest. This amazing gift idea will clean his phone, as well as any other small items like iPods and jewelry, to keep him healthy and free of infections. You can add as many or as few words to your print as you like.

First Birthday Book for GIRLS

This notebook is one of a kind and one of the coolest and high tech practical gifts for high school students. Not only is it reusable, but she can also store her notes by uploading them to popular cloud services such as Google Drive and Dropbox. A highly desired electronic device that may be utilized for a long time is a portable, powerful wireless speaker. This popular Bluetooth speaker is composed of tough materials, and the sturdy design allows her to take it outside without fear of harm. In addition, the turntable can convert vinyl to digital MP3 format for playback on a computer.

17th birthday girl gift ideas

When it concerns birthday ideas, you are the master of your very own fate. That’s why there has to be something for everybody on the birthday ideas list. It’s true that some people are less complicated to purchase for than others because they share your preferences or hobbies. Nonetheless, that does not suggest you can not delight in an inspired birthday present even if the taste isn’t precisely appropriate. Featuring a love knot charm, it is embellished with high quality shining stones.

Magnetic Manicure Designs That You Can Master At Home

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